About THP

My hair and I have had the rockiest love-hate relationship you can imagine. But we’re in a MUCH better place now.”

The Hair Politics was founded in efforts to denote the common misconception that (black) women can’t have long hair. That crap is just….plain crap.

I love that my women of color are finally embracing their naturalness. It’s been a long-time-coming! Because natural beauty is best. It’s effortless. It’s alluring. It’s magical. It’s just plain awesome.

And it will actually be true when we quote Beyonce and say “I woke up like this!”

So, if you’re curious about how THP came about, here’s my hair story:

At the age of six, I had the awesome luxury of getting my hair done by none other than my father.

That was sarcasm. This is where my struggles began.

My mother passed away from breast cancer when I was six, leaving just my Dad and I to figure out life without her.

Now, I give all props and kudos to my dad for doing what he had to do. But man he didn’t have a clue when it came to my hair.

He had the parted four sections to make four twists down-pact but when I turned about…hmm…eight—-that style was a no-go.

I was turning into my mommy’s “mini me” right before his eyes and he knew he could no longer appease my hair needs himself. So he began taking me to the salon. Until I was in middle school, my hair was natural but it was always braided (when I say braids, I mean cornrows). And once in middle school, we surrendered to the relaxer because neither one of us knew what we were doing and I felt I was too mature for braids.

With this decision, I realized hair can grow long while relaxed. My hair stylist took great care of me and my hair grew down the middle of my back. But I realized I was soo dependent on her. Without her, my hair

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